Managers’ and supervisors’ occupational/educational background

1986: Commencing technical studies on aerospace science and designing fuselage and wings for light aircrafts.
1994: Technical studies on aircraft propellers – completing studies on fuselage and wing structure and building the first ultralight aircraft fuselage prototypes with the help of production facilities and machinery of a production group operating under license no. 1378 code 0101/303 granted by Ministry of Heavy Industries on 03-14-1993.
1997: Founding the National Downstream Petrochemical Company (NDPC) of Iran, which specializes in import and export of petrochemical and steel products. This company is the first to export industrial-scale bulk paraffin wax (a downstream petroleum product) to Royal Dutch Shell. It is also recognized for importing steel for Parchin Chemical Industries.
2001: Technical studies on aircraft induction systems, superchargers, and A/C fire and ice protection.
2003-04: After the economic sanctions created major roadblocks to credit opening and engaging in trades with other countries, two companies, WTH in London and Caspian in Ankara, were established in 2003 with the goal of helping Iran and facilitating export and import of various goods to and from all countries.
2004: Technical studies on aircraft nozzles.
2005: Studies on object-oriented programming of aircraft cabin systems and flight simulators.
2007: Founding the Caspian Chemical Pasargad Company, which specializes in the production of chemical and mineral products and heavy metals.
First lieutenant boasts numerous flights with F-7 fighters and Pilatus PC-7 aircrafts as well as participating in many national maneuvers.
1. Bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic).
2. Master’s degree in aerospace engineering, majoring in aerodynamics, with an average grade of 18.2/20.
3. PhD in aerospace engineering, majoring in aerodynamics, from Sharif University of Technology.
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