AIIS - Aviation Industry of IR.Sky
This scientific, professional and technical aerospace company, which offers engineering, piloting, repair and restoration services for aviation, aerospace, airport and industrial projects, was founded in response to the rising importance of aerospace industry in today’s global community and to meet Iran’s increasing need to advance in aerospace science and technology.
number registering company 339508 2008/11/8
Educational background
Managers’ and supervisors’ occupational/educational background
Occupational background
Organizational values
Our Companies


Consulting in all the areas of aviation and aerospace industries.
Mobilizing and commissioning airports; buying and selling airports.
Upgrading airports’ communication facilities.
Upgrading airline fleet.
Upgrading aerial recreation facilities and launching air taxis.
Establishing aviation clubs and offering recreational flight training with light aircrafts under experienced pilots can help attract investors and boost currency in circulation and economic growth, while employing our capable, skilled human resources.
A leap in the aviation industry
AIIS - Aviation Industry of IR.Sky . All rights reserved